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We'll search the 1930 census records to help you learn more


Census Year

1930 Census Records Online

The US census of 1930 is like a virtual window where one can take a look at how people, their families, and their neighbourhoods looked like in the past. Accessible online on GenealogyBank, these records are full of valuable data that will enable you to reconstruct your genealogical trees and find out more about your background.

Explore 1930 Census Records

Discoveries from the 1930 Census:

  • Discover the identity of your ancestors, who lived with them, and what relations they had. It allows you to monitor their movements and discover more family members than you initially thought existed.
  • Discover the birthplaces of your ancestors; this might provide clues about your family's past movements.
  • It enumerates all individuals in a household, their relatives, and all adopted children, which gives a wider perspective on household composition.
  • If your family immigrated to the United States, this census could tell you when and how they did it.
  • It enables the user to get a glimpse of the environment in which their forefathers lived and the surroundings they inevitably moved into daily.

Searching these records on GenealogyBank is easy:

  • Just type in the full name of the ancestor you're interested in.
  • Include extra information, like locations or important dates, to refine your search.
  • Use filters to sort through the results, which is particularly helpful if your ancestors had a common name.

Tips for Effective Searching:

  • Search One Person at a Time: This approach can help you come up with more specific information associated with the ancestor.
  • Check for Variations: This is the main reason you should not be limited to the exact spelling of the name; you could check with different spellings or even shortened names.
  • Explore Neighbors: Looking at who lived nearby can offer additional clues and context about your ancestors' lives.

The Importance of the 1930 Census:

  • It contains comprehensive details of more than 123 million individuals, including their details of employment as well as housing.
  • It helps to depict the social and cultural situation in the 1930s and, thus, gives more insights into that period.
  • These records introduce you to your family's stories that help identify you with your past life.

In short, it is more than a mere compilation of records of the 1930 census; it is a significant tool, a valuable link to your own story.